Who we are
Waymaker International is a faith-based, mission organization. We are formed as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, religious organization in the State of Texas, and are governed by an elected Board of Directors who are responsible for upholding the organization’s mission, core values, priorities, and objectives as well as ensuring financial stability and sustainability.
The Board collaborates with the Executive Director on the field. Mission direction, strategy, and goals are implemented and led by the field. The members of the Board of Directors are intentionally diverse and include educators, businesspeople, and pastors. All of them hold deeply to Waymaker’s Christian beliefs and mission and have a passion for reaching the unreached.
Our Story
Waymaker International was founded in the midst of a dark season of adversity for its founders. The clouds of desperation and hopelessness loomed overhead, threatening to suffocate any glimmer of hope for their future. But in their darkest hour, God’s voice cut through the darkness, calling them out and sending them on a mission to the people of the Eastern Mediterranean.
The founders of Waymaker International were not content to let their struggles define them. Instead, they chose to let God’s love flow through them, drawing others to Him in the process. This calling was not one to be taken lightly, for it was nothing short of a God-sized vision.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives
Genesis 50:20
Their vision was clear: to be vessels of God’s love and bearers of His light in a world crying out for redemption. They understood that they were not just missionaries, but pioneers of a new era in history, where the unreached Nations of the world were being brought to their doorstep.
Waymaker International was not just a name or a mission organization – it was a beacon of hope in a world that so desperately needed it. The founders knew that they had been called to something greater, something beyond themselves, and they were determined to see it through with visionary creativity and unwavering faith. And as they continued on their journey, they knew that they were being guided by the hand of God, the ultimate Waymaker.
Vision and Mission
God’s love working through us to draw others to Himself.
To spread the gospel to the people of the Eastern Mediterranean by demonstrating God’s love in tangible and real ways, encouraging them to choose abundant life through Jesus Christ.
Core values
We strive to be Kingdom-minded—to make a name for Jesus rather than ourselves. We work alongside local people of the Kingdom—individuals, churches, and organizations–-to promote God’s global agenda, which is the gospel.
Emphasizing God’s unconditional acceptance and full forgiveness through Jesus Christ so that we can guide and motivate people through a grace-based, rather than law-based, orientation to life.
Serving others with a humble, servant-focused heart and a teachable spirit so the glory of God’s salvation may shine more powerfully.
Initiating and cultivating meaningful relationships with people in our communities as the starting point to intentionally moving people toward a loving relationship with Jesus.
Exhibiting integrity through personal and organizational accountability in lifestyle, relationships, finances, and ministry management, and, by God’s grace, striving to exhibit a Christ-like character in our daily living.
Using and valuing creativity and innovative strategies to reach people for Christ.
Statement of Belief
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that men were moved by the Holy Spirit to write words of Scripture. Because God inspired it, the Bible is the supreme source of truth for all Christian beliefs and practices.
We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit-coexistent, coequal, and coeternal.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal God, the second person of the Trinity, who became a man who lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, and was bodily raised from the dead. He became flesh to reveal God to man and to become the Savior of the lost world.
We believe that man was created in the image of God to have fellowship with Him. Although every person has tremendous potential for good, all are marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God called “sin.” As a result, man is completely incapable of entering into a right relationship with God by his own effort.
We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sins. Therefore, salvation only occurs when a person places his faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as the sufficient payment for his sin. Our salvation, being a gift of God, is secure. It is maintained by the grace and power of God, not self-effort.
We believe that we are called to live for Christ and not for ourselves. By obedience to the Word and daily yielding to the Spirit, we are continually conforming to the image of Christ.
We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The members are those who have trusted by faith the finished and sufficient work of Christ. The purpose of the Church is to glorify God by loving Him and by making Him known to a lost world.
We believe in the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in conviction of sin, regeneration and sanctification, as well as in ministry and worship.
We believe that Christ commanded the Church to go into all the world and make disciples of all peoples, baptizing and teaching those who believe, and that this is our joyful burden.
Public Letter from the Board of Directors
Dear friends, supporters, and ministry partners of WayMaker International Ministries,
First, we want to thank you for your ongoing support of WayMaker International Ministries, and Hope House on Samos. Begun in 2021, this ministry, through the visionary leadership of Brad and Margie Matheson, has had a dramatic impact on the lives of over 10,000 refugees from the Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean, and North African region. For more than three years, through the efforts of our staff and many volunteers, almost 200 former adherents to Islam have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and by doing so risked their lives in turning away from Islam.
We are writing to you because in May, our Board of Directors received information that included allegations of misconduct which, under the organization’s Bylaws, indicated that Brad had not been “acting in the best interest of the ministry.” When confronted with the specifics of the allegations, Brad confirmed they were true. Based on these admissions, the Board acted unanimously to remove him from the field and offered a restoration plan that included counseling with a qualified psychologist and mentoring by a former international missionary regional leader. Both the Board of Directors and the Mathesons agreed to all of this on condition that the Mathesons would take no further actions nor have any communications that would affect Hope House or the ministry of Waymaker, unless and until restored to the ministry by the Board. During the last three months, it became increasingly apparent that a path for ministry leadership within WayMaker International would not be possible.
At the request of our Board of Directors, Brad Matheson and Margie Matheson tendered their unconditional resignation from their leadership roles within our organization on October 5th, 2024. This resignation was effective upon its submission.
As the Board of Directors for WayMaker International, we take seriously our responsibility to act with transparency, integrity, and accountability. We are also committed to the continued success of Hope House on Samos and other activities within the organization. Current management of the day-to-day activities at Hope House has continued under the interim leadership of a wonderful couple and committed team of staff and volunteers, while we conduct a search for a new full-time director to lead the ministry. Through their efforts, in partnership with the continued generosity of faithful supporters, the Lord’s work continues to lead precious lives to Him at Hope House and on Samos. We believe pursuing an updated vision and mission are vital to the continued success of our ministry to the Middle Eastern community.
We assure you that we are committed to leading with integrity and a zero-tolerance policy for any misconduct and falsehood. We understand how disappointing, discouraging, and painful it is to receive this information. We grieve with you, while also believing in hope for a redemptive end to this very painful process. We covet your prayers for Waymaker and Hope House during this season that we will provide wise guidance of this ministry and faithful stewardship of your financial support. We also encourage you to pray for Brad and Margie as they continue their journey toward healing and wholeness.
We will publish and/or post further communication as the process develops. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us at: board@waymakerinternational.org.